Fri, 05/21/2021 - 18:54 By Admin

Whether your goal is to sell a product or service, position your brand, or you want people to come with you to get advice and solve their needs, it is essential that you build trust. Give them a reason to choose you out of the myriad of options out there. And how can you do it? Humanizing your brand, for this you first need to open up and be transparent, not only in your branding, but also about the people behind your company.

Develop your brand identity

To humanize your brand, you must develop an identity that stands out, that is coherent and of course, that has a real, friendly and human approach. This is essential to engage with your consumers. No one is going to have a strong connection to a brand that feels run by a group of robots.

But it's about even more than that. Here are a few more reasons why every branding effort should take a human approach:

  • Helps you build relationships:
    It is always important to have positive relationships with your clients; And with social media being such a predominant part of our world today, it is easier to connect and interact with your customers, this will help you build loyalty.
  • Help your audience get to know you:
    To build trust with your current and potential customers, they must feel like they know you. Highlighting team members on your website, marketing materials, and everything else can go a long way toward bringing a human element to your brand.
    Consumers would rather see the friendly face of one of your real, dedicated team members than a generic company logo.
  • You learn to react to mistakes:
    To err is human, and therefore brands as well. It is necessary that on the occasions where you commit a fault, your company can stand up and apologize.

Showing yourself vulnerable will make your audience feel identified.

But. What else is needed to humanize your brand 100%? Well, here are 6 actions to carry out:

1. Share content and interact with your audience

Make sure to share things that are relevant to the people you are trying to reach. Inspire and encourage them to ask questions and engage in conversation so that you can listen to them and learn from them; Consumers' feeling of belonging will make feeling listened to and entertained generate a connection with your brand.

Always be transparent.

2. Stay true to your brand "me"

Be yourself! You have to be willing to open up if you expect others to understand and connect with who you are. Let your brand's personality shine through in everything it does. When you stay true to your brand “me”, it is much easier to project the same voice and personality; this way you will generate a lot of recognition.

3. Build relationships with social networks

Previously we mentioned the help generated by social networks, and that is that through them you can connect with people from all over the world. So; Interact with your audience and take time to get to know them on a personal level!

4. Show your audience what goes on behind.

Letting consumers see the people behind the business is a powerful way to humanize your brand. If consumers only look at your logo all the time, they may not see your brand as human. So, put your team members in the spotlight.

Take some photos of your company members and display them on your website or your social media platforms. You could even share your employee of the month. Seeing people behind the scenes will help consumers put a face on your brand.

5. Share user-generated content.

Sharing this type of content works to humanize your brand in two ways: First, it is exciting and flattering to the user who makes their photo appear on your website or on social media. Second, you show other consumers that you have great relationships with your consumers and that those people already enjoy your products.

6. Be grateful.

When you're celebrating your accomplishments, be sure to thank your customers; they will be flattered and part of something bigger than themselves. That connection will create strong loyalty.

The best way to humanize your brand

In addition to thanking your customers, let them know that you care about them and appreciate them. Therefore, show your appreciation by sending your best customers promotional products from the company or offering them special discounts with a personalized message.

You already know why to humanize your brand and how to do it, now you just need to decide and carry it out, if you are still not very clear on how to achieve it. Do not worry! We help and advise you. Schedule a meeting