Tue, 08/11/2020 - 18:31 By Admin
SEO, Marketing de Contenido

We as  Digital Marketing specialists, can tell you the points to keep in mind to creat well-structured and efficient content so that it achieves an excellent positioning in search engines.

Optimize the three essential content formats: Text, Images and Videos, the first being the most important that google analyzes.


Here we must put ourselves at the feet of our clients and ask ourselves, What would we like to read? and How do we read? On the internet, even the most assiduous readers, first scan the document to see if it catches their attention or not, and there are readers who read every corner of the document carefully; This means that you have to create content that meets both requirements.

The first paragraph should catch the reader and very important should answer what he is asking.

The most important points for creating text content are:

  1. HAVE STRUCTURED ELEMENTS:You must make sure that the text has the necessary elements to make it clear and easy to understand; a text to make it more readable needs: Title, subtitles, examples, tables of contents and text in bold.
  2. KEYWORDS:Use strategic words so that when the user is reading they identify those words and begin to position them in their mind, in the same way, for readers who usually scan the text with their eyes, they serve to attract their attention and stop them reading the idea.
  3. LINKS TO TEXT LATER: There are times when we find it tedious to read the entire document to find only the paragraph of our interest, so it is recommended that there be links that direct to the exact part of the document you want to go to.
  4. EASY TO READ:Coherence and writing are the keywords at this point because without them the text can be confusing, in the same way we recommend that you use easy vocabulary or terminology that your users know, since it is not the same to talk to them. business people than doctors, or architects than housewives.
  5. BULLET POINTS: They are a clear example to orderly list the ideas of the content and make it easier to read.
  6. CORRECT SPELLING AND PUNTUATION: Besides being a basic point in any text that is written, it is an element that can give a good or bad impression to whoever reads it. Search engines analyze why users leave the pages and when the result is due to bad spelling, your ranking worsens.
  7. UNIQUE CONTENT: Nobody likes to read "copy-paste" and less if you are looking for information. Creating unique content denotes creativity and begins to build personality to your brand, with it users can identify themselves and in the end end up consuming your content, in addition, search engines also identify when the texts are copied and if it is the case, they rate it with low score.
  8. NEITHER VERY LONG NOR VERY SHORT: You must provide the necessary information to the user, sometimes, long texts are tedious to read and can become confusing, causing the user to abandon them; texts that are too short tend to not have enough information and can become “poor” content.
  9. RELATED LINKS: This is more than anything to track the user experience, as you give them more content options to keep browsing.SEO Content


The images, like the text, must have elements to take into account; The images must first of all be related to the text so that both can complement each other, there are occasions that the text says one thing and the image communicates something totally different, creating an incoherence.

In the same way, the images that are owned of the person who is uploading them, generate more strength in the brand personality than the ones thar are not.

Don't forget image quality; It should always be of a high quality, never pixelated. Be careful! It is necessary not to upload very heavy images, otherwise the loading of your website will be slow and the user will leave without even seeing your content before.


This format, so that your content ends up being relevant in your online marketing campaign and adds value to the user, you have to show them what they want to see and entertain them.

Also, the name of the file, as well as all text that goes in the video must be with strategic words to position it and classify it properly in search engines. Also, you can add a “Call to action” to the video, to encourage viewers to share the video,increasing web traffic.
Finally, all content, whether off-line or online, must be of excellent quality so that it adds value to users.

Specifically, speaking of google, this search engine uses content quality as the most important indicator for lagging and positioning, with the number of keywords in a text coming second.

Now you know the elements to create your best content, unleash your creativity and start now.